Bella Advisors Eduation

Our financial articles keep you updated on everything from retirement and the the stock market, taxes, and investments. Stay educated!

inflation and deflation

Inflation Or Deflation – What Might Be Next

Consumer prices fell by 0.8% on a seasonally adjusted basis in April, the biggest drop in more than a dozen years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. Conversely, inflation took over when it came to groceries, with prices on items jumping 2.6%, the highest one-month increase in 46 years, with eggs rising by 16%.1 What’s…

Women waiting on median

Women And The Financial Toll They’ve Taken

In April alone, the U.S. lost more than 20 million jobs — increasing the unemployment rate to 14.7%. Researchers say one of the demographics hit hardest during the pandemic is women workers. Women tend to hold a disproportionate number of jobs in industries such as hospitality, health care and education. Consequently, the unemployment rate for…


401(k) Plan: Inheriting and What Comes with It

Within the scope of an investment portfolio, the commonplace 401(k) may seem to be a simplistic account. But it’s not, especially when it comes to estate and legacy planning. The named beneficiary on the plan will inherit your 401(k) regardless of your will’s instructions. And from there, a spectrum of various choices emerge based on…


Your Money Persona: Frugal or Spendthrift?

We are all unique individuals with distinct personalities, likes and dislikes as well as different ways of talking, thinking, solving problems and interacting. We have exclusive modes of expressing ourselves through dress, grooming and our own catchphrases. And all that can tie together with money. And, we each have our own way of thinking about…


Real Estate Baby Boomers Are Keeping

In 1989, Harvard economists published a study concluding that as baby boomers aged out of the residential real estate market, there would be a glut of empty homes and prices would plummet.1 That clearly hasn’t happened yet, for a variety of reasons. Economists didn’t account for boomers’ life expectancy extending so much longer. People are living…


Financial Stress And How To Deal With It

A recent survey by the National Endowment for Financial Education found that almost 90% of Americans were feeling anxious and dealing with financial stress, when it comes to their money situation.1 39% were worried about job security 48% worried about paying bills 28% didn’t know if they could pay their utilities 41% were worried about…


Banking Industry: Where It Stands Today

The Great Recession of 2008 was largely compounded by weaknesses in the U.S. banking system, making it vulnerable to economic and market declines. In an effort to shore up the system, Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010, which levied sweeping reforms on the financial sector.1 As a result, the banking system is far stronger than…


Self-Employment Perks and Pitfalls

Sole proprietors in the U.S. caught a huge break in April. The Paycheck Protection Program, borne out of the economic hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, became available to those self-employment workers and independent contractors on April 10, 2020.1 According to a 2017 survey, 36% of U.S. workers are part of the gig economy.2 With so…

Global economy

Economy & Stock Market: Are They Out of Synch?

In normal times, the stock market is often a reflection of the economy. But these are not normal times. Even though April was marked by a global shutdown of businesses, rampant unemployment and low economic growth, the S&P 500 Index ended the month up 12.9%. This represented the highest one-month gain since 1987 and posted…

Return on investment: voting and donating.

Your Return on Investment Ties in With Your Vote

Considering return on investment, here’s some food for thought regarding the aftermath of Watergate: “The great paradox of one of the worst presidential scandals of the 20th century was that it forced candidates to stop attacking each other and start persuading the nation that they could be trusted.”1 Wouldn’t it be nice if the 2020…

Caregiving senior couple holding hands.

Caregiving: What’s Your Retirement Strategy?

There’s a caregiving adage often found on decorative signs and other accessories that reads, “Be nice to your kids; they will choose your nursing home.” The saying rather drives home the best and the worst aspects about planning for old age. Many retirees will tell you that their most fervent wish is to have a…

Bustling street of people and businesses, in New York City.

How Businesses Can Stay Afloat

Pandemic or not, America’s businesses clearly need a plan to survive an economic downturn. If the owner of a small business has not delegated authority, a health issue affecting the owner could derail that business. The closing of a town’s major employer can drive customers of small businesses out of town to work elsewhere. Damage…